Sunday 3 November 2013

First post

This is version 7 of my story that I am working on. I plan to turn this short in to a 3D animation
                               Joshua Pedersen                           
                                  Version 7                              
          Copyright:                    Joshua Pedersen                  
          Joshua pedersen               115 Anderson Rd                  
                                        04 0311 3260                     
   1      EXT. FOREST - DAY                                        1     
          Fading in following a bird across a forest, a tree comes       
          into view with a hollow.                                       
   2      EXT. PROLOGUE                                            2     
          Close on the tree hollow, a loud voice can be heard from       
                              MOTHER (O.S.)                              
                    Ajay get off that branch its                         
                         (rolls eyes)                                    
                    Yes mum I know.                                      
          The brother jokingly shake the branch trying to scaring        
          Ajay, but the branch breaks. being small Ajay is unable to     
          jump fast enough he falls clashing on branch after             
          branch  plummeting to the ground.                              
   3      EXT. TREE HOLLOW - DAY                                   3     
                              MOTHER (O.S.)                              
                    Good for nothing AJAY, you are so                    
                    lazy. Winter is coming; you have                     
                    not gathered a single nut. Get                       
                    off your lazy butt! Get into that                    
                    forest and bring back some food!                     
          Ajay gets thrown out of the hollow onto the branch. He         
          stands back up shaking his head. looking around, off in        
          the distance there is a large cluster of chestnuts. Ajay’s     
          eyes widen.                                                    
          wiggling his fingers he begins to walk out towards the end     
          of the branch.                                                 
          Ajay walks to the end of the branch. Taking in a deep          
          breath; looking down at his skin, remembering the day he       
          fell. looking back up and takes another deep breath in and     
          he launches himself off the branch. quickly spiraling out      
          of control Ajay struggles to control the flight.               
          Spiraling out of control he smashes his arm on a large         
          branch, spinning in the opposite direction plummeting to       
          the ground landing in a large pile of leaves. just missing     
          a large rock.                                                  
   4      EXT. FOREST FLOOR, FAMILY TREE - DAY                     4     
          Ajay rubs his head.                                            
                    AWWWWW HHHHHHAAA                                     
          Pulling himself off the ground to his feet, Ajay brushes       
          the dust off his fur. He looks up and around trying to         
          figure out where his tree of chestnuts are. Ajay sees his      
          large cluster of nuts through a small gap between the          
   5      EXT. WOLF FOREST - DAY                                   5     
          Ajay walks along the forest floor, hearing something off       
          in the distance, He looks around scared.                       
          walking along the forest floor he hears a leave crumble.       
          Ajay whips around to look behind him and off in the            
          distance are two great big eyes. Ajay starts to run            
          searching around for a tree to climb. Looking behind he        
          sees a great big wolf.                                         
           The wolf opens its massive mouth and lashes out biting        
          down on the tip of Ajay’s tail just missing it. Ajay           
          quickly darts off to climb the nearest tree.                   
   6      EXT. WOLF TREE - DAY                                     6     
          Ajay traumatized and exhausted sits down on a branch high      
          up in the tree                                                 
          looking down at the ground, looking around for the wolf        
          but he just sees it wonder off. He frantically looks           
          around to find his big cluster of chestnuts. Ajay walks to     
          the edge of the branch and stretches out his skin, but         
          chickens out and climbs back down the tree.                    
                    heave slow breath (sign of                           
   7      EXT. SNAKE DEN - DAY                                     7     
          Ajay walks around a tree to get closer to his chestnuts.       
          He notices that there is a SNAKE slithering past. Ajay         
          panics and jumps behind a rock and waits for the snake to      
          pass by. Ajay turns around, facing hundreds of snakes          
          looking straight at him. Ajay jumps over the rock running      
          as fast as he can.                                             
          Jumping again and again just missing the snake’s ferocious     
          bites, Ajay struggles to get hold of a low branch. He          
          shoots off to the next tree having lower branches.             
          Struggling to climb up the tree, he just escapes the           
          snakes. Ajay looks down panting trying to catch his            
   8      EXT. SNAKE TREE FALL - DAY                               8     
          Ajay takes a look down the tree seeing nothing. He turns       
          back and taking a few breaths. Hearing some noise, Ajay        
          looks down and sees the wolf at the ground circling the        
          tree. Ajay looks back up at the tree seeing the snakes         
          crawling towards him from behind him.                          
          Ajay quickly runs out to the edge of the branch. As he is      
          about to jump, he hesitates and tries to stop himself from     
          falling. But he could not stop himself and he ends up          
          plummeting to the ground. Savagely trying to get his skin      
          out far enough to cope with his fat stomach, he starts         
          spinning out of control. The wolf opens his mouth up           
          getting ready for Ajay. Ajay is in full reach of the wolf      
          as the wolf’s begins to power up for a jump Ajay manages       
          to gain control of his glide. Swooping up with great speed     
          the wolf just misses pulling only a few tail hairs out of      
          Ajay. He manages to land on a solid branch and running in      
          close to the trunk of the tree with the biggest smile on       
          his face from overcoming his fear.                             
   9      EXT. CHESTNUT TREE - DAY                                 9     
          Ajay climbs to the top of the tree and begins to smell the     
          chestnuts. Starting to see them off in the distance, he        
          reaches the chestnuts. He begins to wiggle his fingers and     
          his eyes open wide. As he grabs the nut he opens his           
          mouth. A giant eagle swoops down taking Ajay. He hangs on      
          to his chestnut and finally takes a big bite and has a         
          happy smile on his face, flying off in the distance.           

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